UI/UX Visual Designer with SenseData Group

Desktop Application UI/UX Design

Hotel Lobby Store - Operation Management Software

High Fidelity Mockup
UI Design
UX Design
Visual Design


Designed the user interface and devloped the html/css for this robust desktop application. This application is the backbone of the hotel lobby convenience store, kiosk iPad device and the iPad Pro store-layout designer application. This operations management software manages the entire list of hotel users, management company's users, hotels, inventories, purchase details, audit of inventories for reordering, taxes, shipments to hotels from warehouses, discount codes, etc. This software also provides details on the installations of the applications on iPad and iPad Pros, their versions, status, locations, and more.

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The "Heartbeats" screen displays the current condition of the entire operation. It shows the users and the install version, application name, system they are running, location, and time.

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The "Purchases" screen displays the list of purchases being made by hotel customers across the entire system.

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The "Users" screen manages the users across the entire system.

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The "Inventories" screen allows the users to manage inventories at each site.

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The "Inventory Adjustment" screen shows the inventory audit conducted at the hotels and allows the user to make adjustments.

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Portfolio Highlights